A Flower For Mr. Wynters

Chapter One: Delphi

Delphi watched as her new neighbor stepped up into the carriage, not bothering to say goodbye, nor glancing back at her as he retreated from her and her littlest sister. 
She chuckled to herself at the frantic and somewhat confused look upon his face when she had come upon him and Poppy. Poppy could be outrageous at times, and her propriety was definitely a work in progress, for that of an eight-year-old girl, but she was endearingly sweet and befriended the most unlikely of individuals. 
She covered her mouth to hide her laugh, recalling the manner in which Mr. Wynters had been trying to unclasp her sister’s hand from his, as though she were a slimy creature that had attached itself to him, and was appalled that it had decided to do so. 
Being neighbors with the man was going to be interesting. With so many sisters in tow, they tended to be more boisterous than what was perceived as normal, and Mr. Wynters seemed to be a quiet person, who most likely kept to himself. Well, with a family such as hers, that would just have to change. She made a mental note to befriend the obvious curmudgeon and released a sigh of contentment at her decision to do so.
She spun around, and joined her sisters and mother in their conversation with the other Wynters brother and his mother. 
“Ah, another Miss Honeyfield, I take it?” the man standing next to his mother asked as she approached. “Now what flower would this one be?” He looked at the youngest with an eyebrow raised in question. 
“Her na–” Poppy tried to blurt out her name, but before she could, she was interrupted by the man who had been speaking.
“Let me guess sweet little Poppy. I am having ever so much fun trying to determine all of your names.” He pointed to each sister, ticking their names off on his fingers. “I have guessed the lovely twins’ names, Miss Marigold and Miss Rose, although you will have to forgive me if I am motioning to the wrong person. I have never experienced twins before, let alone identical ones, so it shall take some time to remember who is who.” He held up two fingers, showing that he had successfully named two of the sisters. “And then we have the beautiful Miss Lily, with eyes as blue as the sky, and a laugh as melodic as the birds in the trees.” He winked at Lily, causing her to hide a blush behind her bonnet. “Then of course we have the sweet little Miss Poppy, whom I am already beginning to adore.” He held up two more fingers, both of the mothers laughed at his antics, as he now held all of the girls at his rapt attention. “Hmmm. Which flower could you be?” He said as he stepped closer to her, looking her up and down, tapping his fingers on his chin, a look of contemplation on his face. “Iris? No. You don’t look like an Iris. How about Daisy?” Delphi shook her head in disagreement of the name as Poppy pulled on Mr. Wynters’ pant leg to get his attention. He bent down his head, so that it was even with Poppy’s, so that she could whisper into his ear. “Oh … I see … you don’t think I shall ever guess? Is this true?” He winked at Delphi as Poppy continued to whisper into his ear. 
“Mr. Wynters, my name is a flower that most people don’t think of when naming their child. I am not sure you shall be able to figure it out,” Delphi replied with a smile.
Poppy shuffled her feet in anxiousness as she took his hand in hers, bouncing up and down as she simultaneously tugged on his arm. “Can I puuuulease tell you her name already Mr. Wynters? This conversation is taking ever so long and my patience is at its maximum cap… cap… capa… oh dear. I can’t remember that blasted word,” She stomped her foot in frustration.
“Poppy! You should not be using that word. Wherever did you hear it? You would never hear me using that kind of language, Mr. Wynters. You will have to excuse her, we are still working on her manners,” Mother exclaimed, a look of horror on her face at the word her youngest daughter had just used.
“That is quite alright, Mrs. Honeyfield. I have been found on occasion to use the very same word, if you can believe a word such as that coming from someone as reverent as I. I think you mean capacity, little one.” Mr. Wynters smiled down at her as she began to giggle. 
“I do think you are correct, Mr. Wynters. Now, may I please tell you my sister’s name?” Poppy smiled her biggest smile at him, showing all of her teeth, minus the two that were missing on the bottom, causing him to chuckle. 
“Yes, little Miss Poppy. You may tell me.” 
“Her name is Delphinium, but because her name is so long, we call her Delphi for short.”
“Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Delphi. Now I have met the entire bouquet of Honeyfield sisters.” He held out his arm, “Shall we Miss Delphi? My brother and his new wife’s wedding breakfast is underway, and we must be getting back, else they decide to do away with the entire thing altogether. The two love birds are inseparable, and I daresay they are anxious to be on their way.” He raised his eyebrows, causing her cheeks to heat from his insinuations. Poppy grabbed his other arm, lacing her fingers over his arm as she skipped by his side. “I do hope you all plan on joining us at our home, in celebration of the event.” He looked back to his mother, a questioning look on his face. 
“I sent an invitation to the Cambry Estate the moment I knew the Honeyfield family had arrived, and they sent their response the same day,” his mother responded vaguely, returning his questioning look with a quirky one of her own. They stared at one another as silence came over the group, at a stand off of sorts with one another. 
“Alright, mother, you win. Now, if you would please inform me of their decision, so that I might extend a certain someone an invitation to ride in our carriage with us, I would very much appreciate it.” Poppy was jumping up and down in anticipation of the ride.
“Oh please, please, please tell us we are to come to your home. Please Mr. Wynters.” Poppy continued to jump, jostling Mr. Wynters’ arm around like a rag doll. 
“Well, Mother, you heard the young Miss Poppy. Please, please please tell us if they are to come.” He began to bounce up and down with Poppy, as the group giggled at Poppy and Mr. Wynters’ behavior. 
“Do calm yourself, Octavias. You are making quite the spectacle of yourself.” He stopped bouncing, his eyes going wide, as a redness filled his cheeks, slowly creeping up to the tips of his ears. 
“Octavias? Whoever is that?” Poppy giggled as she held her hand over her mouth. Mr. Wynters cleared his throat, his devil may care attitude relaxing over him once again. 
“Yes, Mother, I don’t know this person you speak of. Such a silly name. I feel for the poor fool whose parents gave him such a spectacle of a name. Would the eldest Miss Delphi like to ride in our carriage with us?” 
“Eldest? But what about me?” Poppy stomped her foot in frustration at the revelation that she wouldn’t be riding with them in the carriage. Mr. Wynters stooped down, so that his face was level with Poppy’s once more. 
“Now, Miss Poppy, if you promise to be a good girl, and ride with your mother and sisters in their equipage, I will make you a promise in return. Does that sound like a good deal?” Poppy shook her head in agreement in an exaggerated fashion. 
“Well yes, but it depends on what the deal is. For if it isn’t a good one, then it won’t be worth giving up a ride in your carriage.” 
Mr. Wynters shook his head. “You do drive a hard bargain, Miss Poppy. But I do believe that my deal will be far better than riding in a stuffy old carriage with tittering females and a grouchy Mr. Wynters.” 
“Very well, Mr. Wynters, let’s hear the deal that you have for me.”
“Alright, I propose that we all go on an outing the day after tomorrow, to my most favorite place on our property, and that we do it on horseback. How does that sound?” 
Poppy began bouncing up and down on her toes, her voice carrying across the courtyard of the church.
“Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, Mother, did you hear? Mr. Wynters is going to take us all on an outing. On horseback.” She launched herself at Mr. Wynters, causing him to take a step back, her arms going around his neck as she hugged him to her, her face squishing up against his as he laughed.
“Oh that is such a grand offer, Mr. Wynters. We would love to attend. My husband’s business in London should be finished, and he should have returned home by then,” Mrs. Honeyfield responded.
“It is settled then. Now, shall we?” He motioned to his carriage, opening the door and offering her his hand as he helped her inside.